Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What a day continues...

So, the girls and I trecked off to run errands (pick up Chris's meds etc) and I thought "Hey while we're out why don't we drive by a house I heard of!". The GPS does a great job and I have been feeling pretty comfortable with the whole driving thing. I even managed to make it through some really tiny streets, no way they were ever supposed to be two laners, today. That about ended on our way back from our scenic drive.
I'm driving down this beautiful, winding , green sided gorgeous road, farms on either side, the mountains ahead when.....the people with the popsicle sticks step out in front of me. For my American friends-that would be the police. Let me jsut say the police here are a little on the scary side. First of all, what sort of person steps in front of cars that, if following the speed limit are going about 55mph, or if your in Italy about 80mph? I'll tell you what type of person, the type that has a buddy hanging out in the wings with a semi-automatic weapon that has no fear of shooting at you if you don't stop. (I'll just let that sink in for a minute). So I , being the self preserving law abiding (and yes-I was obeying the law) citizen I am, pulled off to the side and sat there quaking in my seat. That's where the scariness ends. It was a routine traffic stop to spot check for licenses and registration. On top of that they figured out by the blank look as they rattled off Italian to me that I was an Americano, therefore worthy of their pity. They were quite kind, checked over everything, and let me be on my way. I can't say I wasn't a bit rattled after that though...

1 comment:

  1. oooookaaay, so ya see the guy with a popsicle stick and the first thought is... oooh fudge,
    what's up that?!? Chris from the Redlands
