Saturday, July 18, 2009

The last few days have been busy

The girls and I checked out the base pool the other day. It's no Maxwell, but it does have an awesome slide and a diving board. That evening we went back out to the original house that we had heard about in San Leonardo and reserved it. We should be able to move in the first week in August. I took pictures from on of the balconies, kind of a panoramic view. I'm glad we looked at other places, if not I always would have wondered. That being said, we LOVE this place, and can't wait to move in. It's a great neighborhood and town. There is an area in front of the house that the girls can scooter and bike, kids their age right down the street, the neighbors give music lessons, I could go on and on. I'll post inside pictures when we move in.
Yesterday we took Chris back to the Dr. His eyes look good (yeah!!!), but he has to be on his meds for another week, and no contacts for about a month. I'm so glad he can start joining in all the fun the girls and I have been having. After that we got the e-mail our van was here so we popped back and forth getting the initial paperwork done and......we now have the Odyssey here it Italia. Last night we cruised out to the town we'll be living in and had dinner at the local Pizzeria. This place is right downtown. You pull up and there is a little farm next to it, complete with chickens. It's in an old Villa (I will take pictures of it eventually) with marble mosaic floors, old heating stoves, and the resident dog. We sat outside and ate probably the best meal we've had since we got here. In addition, we made our first Italian friends!! We'll head over Monday afternoon for a play date for Lizzie and her new friend Chiara (who speak 5 languages, but French just a little :-) ). They live right downtown in San Leonardo, within walking/biking distance of our new home. We finished out the night by heading to a local Gelataria. All in all a pretty perfect night. I love Italy.
Some other random things that happened the last few days:
Liz lost a tooth (we'll find out this morning if the tooth fairy brings Euros or dollars here)
We finally got a little heat, now it's raining again and will probably cool off.

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