Friday, July 10, 2009


Yesterday we had a brief cultural Italian class that was fantastic. Italy is the size of the state of Arizona yet has 58 million people vrs. 5 million in Az. Everyone is extremely helpful. The woman that can help us coordinate with Italian schools was there, she has previously lived in America and her children attended American schools. She thinks the girls would love it.
After class we went to some really neat areas on our own. Cordenons, Pordenone, Porcia, etc. They are all beautiful towns. From Pordenone (the largest city in the region) you can take a 4 hour train ride to Rome for next to nothing. You can take an hour and a half train ride to the center of old Venice for 9E round trip adults. We also visited our first "supermercato" (supermarket) where we purchased a bottle of wine and some Tiramasu Gelato (all by ourselves :) ).
I'm attaching some pictures of "roads" our GPS has taken us down. It gets us where we need to go, and is always picturesque, I've had a few moments of wondering if we were going to get stuck out in Italian countryside never to be found again. We've passed by numerous small chapels and shrines tucked into the middle of "nowhere". Very quaint and pretty, peaceful.
I'm sleepy this morning but wanted to get these posted. All day today we have a tour to let us practice buying train tickets, going to markets, etc. and I know I'll have lots to post later.

1 comment:

  1. Tiff...Loving the blog! But you are making me jealous!! I am glad y'all are loving it! And that you are exploring and making the most of it! A friend and I used to go out and our mottos were - "We don't know where we are but it sure is pretty." and "It's a good day, if we make it back home!" Continue to enjoy!! Miss you...Janis
