Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sacile, Venice, and the Dust Bunnies

The blog will be pretty disorganized this go 'round. Getting out of the habit of daily entries puts you in a position of "remembering" things, yeah-not so hot at that one.
So, last things first so I can hit what is fresh in my mind. We took the train to Venice today. From Sacile, a local town called "little Venice", the train ride is only an hour and was very comfortable. We intended to immediately get lost, which is exactly what we did, and the first few hours we wondered around Venice without another tourist in site. About the time we were all famished, all that walking works up an appetite after all, we came across a cute restaurant on one of the smaller canals. Chris was brave enough to try the local dish , Sardines and Onions, and said it was great. The rest of us were brave enough to take him at his word on that one. Emma and Liz split a Tortellini with mushrooms, and I had a delicious Gnochi. The wine is cheaper than water, so Chris and I also refreshed ourselves with the vina della casa (house red). In Italy it is common to have the "house" wine be of a very good quality as they take it as a matter of pride that the wine is representing the owners selection and the general quality of the establishment. This wine lived up to that and complimented an afternoon on the canal perfectly. The owner was even nice enough to take a picture of ALL of us. Ever notice how usually ONE of us is missing from photos (the girls swear I don't like to be in pictures)? Really, it's just that we haven't gone in for one of those "works in its own" cameras yet.
From there we continued our wondering and came into a rehabbed church from the 14th century that is currently holding an exhibition of modern middle eastern art. There were amazing interactive pieces as well as print and muti media works. One was a giant wave of metal (no other way to describe it) that invited you to "touch look and listen". Needless to say Liz repeatedly walked all over that one. One of Emma's fav's was a tunnel of magnetic stripping that shimmered as you walked through. Very surreal, but very cool. All in, it was a fantastic grouping of art, and one of the best exhibitions I've been to in a long time.
July is Saldi (sale) month in Italy. You can't help yourself as you come across store after store with the once yearly saldi signs up. We mainly window shopped. The girls love the masks and costumes for Carnivale. I scored a shirt that I should have bought in every color.
Finally we wended our way down and around to San Marcos. The pictures say it all..beautiful but horribly crowded.
We're worn out but pleased with our day trip and can't wait to see more!
Yesterday was Lizzie's play. She was an amazing dust bunny! Her dancing/singing/acting skills were all on display. Emma took video which we may be able to post tomorrow. She's even made yet another new friend who has a sister Emmas age, how perfect is that?
While Lizzie was at dress rehearsal I got the chance to go and explore some of the local stores with a friend. It'll take some getting used to. Good cheap wine, fresh produce, stores that carry everything from mopeds to kitchen cabinets and car supplies.....Yeah, not my kind of place at all ;-).
Friday night we went to Sacile for Gelato and a music festival. Once again-Emma has pic's I'll try to post tomorrow. We left before it really got started, but had an awesome time people watching and wandering till the late hours.

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