Wednesday, July 22, 2009

quick list of news

1. The tooth fairy brought Euro to Liz.
2. Liz is in the Missoula Children's Theatre production of "Princess and the Pea". Her official role is "Leader of the Dust Bunnies". Dust bunnies now, third world country later...
3. Move in date is tentatively set for August 2nd, TMO to arrive on the third. CAN'T WAIT!!
4. Emma says she's been reading, and wishing for more gelato. (she has also been enjoying Liz being in the play :-) )
5. Other than the people moving in, coming home, and calling us three nights ago, we have actually been able to sleep through the night. (There should have been a dromroll for that one.)
6. I went out to dinner with two of the office spouses last night. The restaraunt could have been out of an Italian movie, and the company was great.
7. Here is the link to the Horse Rescue I've told so many of you about. The woman who runs this is also our property manager. The girls and I are anxious to dig in out there.

All for now, we're busy doing nothing.

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