Sunday, July 5, 2009

Our trip here

Expect nothing as to writing on this blog a. I've never blogged before and b. I'm just not that witty or clever. Many people have had questions as to what we're doing and how things are going, so I'm trying my hand at this to explain things. (fb woild have been just too darn wordy.)

I was hoping that after months of a self imposed state of confusion, sleeplessness and basically manic highs and lows that all would be resolved when we left MAFB. At this point I'm just so tired I'm numb. Self imposed drama is the worst.

Our last few night we had dinner with friends and painted/cleaned like mad. It was great to have cake and ice cream for my b-day, we even still got fireworks here on base.
TMO had mentioned that we would be getting a limo ride to Atlanta. Chris and I had assumed that it meant a driven van. What we got was an actual Excursion limo. This definitely helped the trip start off on the right foot for the children. Movies, snacks, and drinks help every trip go better. Atlanta handled all of our luggage and pets admirably, not even blinking with the huge load we showed up with.

The flights were ok (we had expected no sleep!) and we made it to Venice with little to no drama. Pet's etc. made it through, AND after all the days of drama with the pets no one even asked (that's right-not even once!!!) to see our all important paperwork. So-to Monique, Gretchen, Lindsay, and Tracy, all of whom did way too much for me while I scrambled to get the pets legal, sorry, maybe I was just trying to get out of painting/cleaning/taking care of my own children.
We had another vehicle surprise in Venice. The base had rented us a "van", more like a bus, for the drive home. Thank goodness Stella was there, she brought snacks and other needed items for the ride home.
We're currently in TLF, switching to a larger one in a few days. This one's nice-marble counter tops, free internet, and most And last night, after not sleeping well for months, I slept a 13 hours solid. Exhaustion will clear almost anything from your brain!
Last night we had dinner out-a couple from the office took us to
Cellini's in Sacille for dinner (see the picture of the girls next to the restaraunt on the bridge) then out to the most fabulous gelato I ever could have imagined existed. (yes, I'm well on my way to eating my way through all of Italy and possibly all of Central Europe).
We drove around today. Saw the horse rescue, neat place that also rescues goats. And drove by the house that we may rent.
Things we have learned about Italy thus far:
1. People are nice, more people speak english than I would have thought (puts us americans to shame!)
2. There are three types of toliets (very important for any parent out there). So far we have run into type 1. the regular toliet type 2. the toliet without a seat, but we have not yet seen type 3. (an evidently common type) that is a basin in the floor (also known to americans as a "squatty potty") even very nice restaraunts are known to have these. This doesn't even begin to describe all the different ways that you can flush a toliet (buttons, levers, pulls, etc. ) and ways to open the bathroom door (handles that don't turn-but have buttons, etc) Can you tell the bathroom issue has been confusing?
3. the driving has not been as bad as we expected
4. the weather is awesome and the sights are incredible
This'll have to do for my first posting. I'm enjoying Italy, but that doesn't make me miss people in America any less. Take care.

1 comment:

  1. please send more pics and writing!! We miss you and love you all!
