Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Which of these things did not happen to me yesterday?

1. locked our keys in my car
2. almost fell off our roof
3. had foot urinated on by a dog

Haha, it's a trick question...ALL of those things happened yesterday, and help to explain the giant plate of fungus below..

Yesterday started of innocuously enough. A trip to the gym, work out, take awesome yoga class that proves to me how out of shape I let myself become with move, nice drive home. To enter our house you have to open a gate that you then pull the car in through. I exited said car, hear the door shut behind me, opened gate, went back to car, and BANG, door won't open. Ten years ago this would have been a fairly common occurrence for me. Since newer cars have emerged that make it virtually impossible (by ways of key fobs, doors that can't, supposedly, be shut locked, without unlocking themselves, etc.) this hasn't happened. Until yesterday. In the good old USA, not such a big deal. In rural Italy without a phone and without nearest neighbors home BIG deal.
Here I am, car running, girls about to get out of school-needing to be picked up, and no phone. On top of that, no phone numbers memorized with which to call for help.
I ask our nearest neighbors who are home, with my bungled Italian, if I can borrow their ladder. This is the first time I met this poor woman, and may I remind you that after the gym I am a natural disaster unto myself. I take the ladder down and she helps me extend it for our (very) tall roof. Once on the roof I realize the tiles that are on the roof are much, much, slicker than they appear, and that the window I need to get into is directly over the twenty to thirty foot drop into our garage area. After nearly giving myself, and my new friend, heart attacks I get in through the window, get extra keys, and head off to get the kids from school.
Let me interject that at this point I'm also on empty since my car was sitting there running for an hour while I got into the house. It's riposa (afternoon siesta time in Italy) so no gas stations are open. I get to the school in the nick of time. While waiting, still nasty and stinky from the gym, I notice a warm feeling on my foot. Looking down I realize that a dog has just URINATED on my shoe. Yes, really. What are you going to do? At this point there is absolutely nothing to do but laugh, hard. Did I mention I also needed to talk to Liz's teacher that afternoon. I'm sure at this point she is convinced I am a raging lunatic. Italians would never show up to their childrens school in sweaty workout gear, and dog urine is SO last season.
Finally, I pick up the kids, navigate the self serve at the Italian pump (not as easy as one would think!), and make it home to a nice HOT bath. That night we took a cake down to the neighbors who were so kind (did I mention that I also almost broke their ladder?). Catarina (neighbor) was nice enough to bring the cake plate back today with the beautiful mushrooms on it. I can't wait to cook them up with some polenta and cheese tomorrow. It may have made the whole day worth it.

The girls and I also planted our flowerbed. We now have rosemary, daffodil and garlic bulbs, and pansies planted. Selection is limited this time of year, but we have big plans for spring! And to my mom, who loves to garden..we now have gardenia, lavender, rosemary, roses, ferns, geraniums, hibiscus, ivy, pansies, mint, (my favorite) marigolds, and I can't remember what else growing quite happily out on our porch and in our yard. Can't wait for you to see it in person!


  1. OMG Tiffeanie! My mouth is on the floor--and I'm sure you were right on time to get the girls and you just carried on like "no big deal". Compared to that, everything and ANYthing else is going to be. like. cake.
