Saturday, September 26, 2009

Our wonderful neighbors.

Sunrise over the vineyard next to our house this morning.

We are really, really lucky people. That's the only explanation I have for the fact that we have had the BEST neighbors anyone could wish for. This time around seems to be the same (ok, not quite the same, no one can replicate our last batch!!). On one side we have Daniella and Ricardo. They are two of the sweetest, most patient, smart, and gifted people we could hope to live next door to. Ricardo is a music teacher. Frequently we hear both he and his wife playing either the piano or the guitar. Oh, paradiso! Daniella is a retired teacher and my coffee/language buddy.

On the front side of us we have Gringo's family. Gringo is our neighbors dog, we rarely see his owners and can't remember their names, but Gringo provides us (and Sophie) with endless entertainment. Remember, we have no TV now! Gringo would love to be Sophie's friend, she seems to be toying with him.

On right side we have the family with the vineyard.

The other day we saw him out in his field and he proceeded to give us armfuls of fresh grapes straight from the vine, along with a heavy dose of language that I couldn't understand to save my life. Today Chris picked up our latest gift, home made wine and more grapes, that our neighbor dropped to Ricardo and Daniella for us while we were at the AF ball last night.

On a side note, the rest of the town is starting to adjust to us too. I count it as a major milestone that along with the "crazy American" looks I get while running, I've also started getting a few "Buona Corra!"'s (Good Run!) as I jog by.
Liz has already announced that she plans on working hard so that she can retire here. I may not be at that point, but I definitely see having a hard time leaving.

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