Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Slovenia, Venice, and some of the best friends a family could ever hope for

During the past week we had some of our very bestest friends come in for a little summer vacation. We started off by heading over to Slovenia. Slovenia was part of Yugoslovia, and it's only a short 2 1/2 hour drive from us, through Austria, to reach Lake Bled. The little towns around the lake were quaint and pretty, and we all loved the Alpine Agriturismo we stayed in... especially the kids. This is Max being lick attacked by some of the farm puppies, and no, we did not bring any home. (There were also kittens and horses, I was way more tempted by them!)

This was the view from our balcony, including the train of cows as they were being pastured the next morning.

Oh yeah, Lizzie was digging the cows. By the way Kansas, Iowa, Oklahoma folk-nary a John Deere in sight, it's all Massey Ferguson and Ford. I'm loving the red and blue!

This is Castle Bled from the lake shore below. We hiked around the lake and up to the castle.

And then all of us on the castle ramparts above.

The castle had a couple of restaurants, an herbal apothecary, a live band, and a museum. Some of their relics were excavated from over 2,000 years ago. The castle itself is only a little over a thousand years old.

The lake was crystal clear with HUGE fish, "massive, ginormous, everybody gather round and look" big fish. We went swimming in an area they had set up with a super fun fast water slide and diving board. I couldn't resist posting these pic's of our brave swimming party jumping off that huge diving board.

On our way home we encountered our only real problem with Slovenia. I had never heard of driving with a "vignette" before. I'm sure I will never forget it now. A "vignette" is the tax you must pay and sticker you must have to drive in Slovenia. Chris also sent me the list of other countries that require this nifty little money maker: Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Romania, and Slovakia (not to be confused with Slovenia). These "vignettes" are to be purchased at the first gas station you pass as you enter one of these countries. How, you may ask, are you to know about these? Well, you aren't! That way you can bargain your way down to a 150 Euro fine from the 300-800 range fine they originally tried to stick you, and 80 of your closest friends with, as you were on the border LEAVING. Not, if you ask me, a good PR move for the tourist department. All in all Slovenia was nice enough to return to, even after getting hit with the Eastern Europe stupid tourist tax. Here's more info and pictures to check out: http://www.ricksteves.com/plan/destinations/east/bled.htm
Our friends that visited are definitely world travelers, we were so excited to actually go with them to a country they'd never been to!
Their last day here they wanted to see Venice again, ok ok twist my arm:

Amanda and Irving upheld the kiss under each bridge tradition. Lizzie was angling for a kiss as well, she had to make do with me. Going along with the theme, we also passed by the home of Cassanova. I had not read about Cassanova's life, it's really fascinating. He was a lawyer, a soldier for a while, play write, and gambler, as well as being one of the most famous Venetians of all time.

I could probably type another page or two about the neat things in Slovenia, Venice, and seeing our friends. I'm just not that inspired right now, so...enjoy the pics, and start planning your trips! Weisenthals-we miss you already!!

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