Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Lizzie visits the latteria and Emma goes kayaking

The girls have really been lucky this year with some pretty cool field trips.
A few weeks ago Liz went to a bakery where she made her own bread, lucky for us she brought some home. Last week Emma went to Barcis with her class for a day of kayaking. There weren't any pictures taken, but they went all over the lake (one of the prettiest lakes I've seen), then through a grotto area before going back to the dock. She also had a whole day of partying when the Americans came over from the base school to visit. She was able to meet some great kids she'll be in class with next year, and some others that were equally nice-but leaving this summer.
This week Liz went to a water bottling plant and a latteria (cheese and milk). While there the class got to make their own mozzarella to bring home. Bread and cheese so far, maybe by the time we leave she'll be able to cook an entire authentic Italian meal. See why I like the Italian schools?

Here's our little cheese maker..


 As you can see-she takes this very seriously.

And the final product...molto deliziosa!

On a separate side note-I'm sitting here writing this being reminded about the language bribe I gave them when we first got here..yes, I bribe occasionally...When they become fluent, they get some sort of surprise..the earlier they are fluent, the bigger the surprise. Sooooo, just now they are both reminding me about this and are begging me that the surprise be kittens (ha), but they are doing it in ITALIAN!!! Now, both of them admit that they aren't quite fluent, but they are SO very close. I can't say how excited and happy I am about that. Now I just have to figure out the surprise part of it. :-)

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