Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sledding, trip one

There are many things you can say about living in Italy. Some of the bad (missing family and friends), most of them good (food, wine, great people). One of the best things you can say is that there is ALWAYS something to do. Today we all layered ourselves up till we felt like overstuffed sausage and headed to the slopes. They haven't opened the lifts, you can tell there's not a lot of snow yet, but there was fantastic sledding.

It may not look like we are moving all that quick, but let me tell you...that was some fast, slick, and hard snow. D, I'm counting the days till you get here, we're going to have a blast!

Here was one of our not so successful attempts at getting a family pic.

After we had sufficiently worn ourselves out we had some fantastic hot chocolate, tiramasu, and coffee at one of the slopes restaurants.

You can see how bright and sunny it was on the mountain top, here was us entering the cloud bank and fog that lasted most of the (VERY) long (STEEP and CURVY) way down. Yes, those are snow measurement sticks next to the road.

The drive on the mountain was incredible, it looks like you are driving through a forest out of a fairy tale, or maybe in in the Italian Alps :-). All of this is only a few miles from our front door as the crow flies, and maybe 30 minutes by car considering how slow you (an American) have to drive. The Italians could make it in half as much time.

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