Sunday, November 15, 2009

San Leonardo Fest (otherwise known as little America)

I'm sitting here listening to a little Ella and Louis realizing that if I'm going to update the blog it better happen now. School isn't leaving a whole lot of breathing room, and what I do have is usually packed with "planned fun".
Today we were really excited to attend the one fest we know of that our little town hosts. It's billed as the "Pork fest" so you can imagine that only about half our family was truly jazzed about it. Lizzie and I were game to try it out, and it really payed off. Imagine our surprise when we got near the square and heard American Country music.
Yes, you heard right. Two stepping, line dancing, and all in our little no stoplight Italian village. Now, don't get me wrong I know a few that could have put the "American Country School" dancers to shame, but it was pretty fun to watch. If you look closely you can even see the roping demo going on behind the dancers.

After checking out a few of the booths, and the local band....

we headed to the inflatable slide...yup, just like we were back in the states. While Lizzie slid...

Emma ate (this was the "pork fest" after all).

One of my favorite parts about our town, and our fest, is the abundance of farming tools.

What I didn't get pictures of were all the handmade farming (full sized and toy sized) rakes, etc. that were on display and for sale. Really cool to me, poor Chris, he had to humor me all day long.

Everywhere right now are fresh roasted chestnuts...the line was just a little too long.

I never did convince Chris to dance, but he did indulge me by taking a hot air balloon ride.

Now for some random pics of the kids...we have a lot of time on our hands in the morning while we're waiting for school to start.

This was our favorite pizzeria, within walking distance of our house. We just found out it's closed. Ugh, the only downside of living in a really small town.

The little taste of American at our fest today brought a big pang of missing ya'll. You're always on our minds!

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