Tuesday, March 9, 2010


A few weeks ago a shopping trip was arranged for Umbria. I, of course, left my camera at home. Luckily a few of the gals brought theirs and were nice enough to share these photos. I'll add more as I get them.

We started off by touring one of the oldest ceramics studios in Deruta. The owner, descendant of the original owner, took us through the building and we were able to see the entire process that goes into making each one of these pieces of art. I have been forever spoiled by these pieces, and am now hoping, planning, and saving for what I want to take home.


A fantastic lunch and plenty of shopping was also done in the town of Deruta.

It had been arranged for us to stay in a local agriturismo. For anyone who is planning a trip, I would definitely recommend this place. They provided a wine and olive oil tasting for us that evening before dinner, the rooms were comfortable, and the views were incredible.


The next morning we took a tour of some of the local towns including Assisi. St. Francis was a fascinating person, and it was amazing to see the architecture and history surrounding these towns he was from.


This is the 10th largest cathedral in the world.


This is the Basilica of Saint Francis in the town of Assisi. There are so many frescoes, pieces of interesting architecture, statues, etc. that it becomes difficult after a while to focus on how fascinating and amazing each of them are individually.


Pax, or peace, was the message of St. Francis. He was a vegetarian, since he would not harm any living being. In Italy that's a difficult lifestyle, in the time period of his life it would have been almost impossible. You can't help but respect someone so committed to peace and kindness.

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