Saturday, February 13, 2010

Oh Carnevale, will I ever get all the confetti out of my hair? Part 1

Part 1 you ask? Yes, part 1. Carnevale lasts 2 solid weeks here in Bella Italia. If you choose, each day can be filled with nearly non-stop partying. THE carnevale is, of course, in Venezia. With all that we have had going on we chose to experience our local Carnvale only this year. Here's more info on the Venice tradition .
It started last weekend with San Leonardo's Carnevale. Chris had taken the girls down while I worked on homework. San Leonardo is a small (I mean really small) town but as I walked down to meet them I was a little concerned with finding the building they were in for the childrens indoor party. I shouldn't have worried, "Sweet Home Alabama", sung with all it's Italian infused glory, was blaring out of the building behind the main church. They had a great cover band doing their very best to sing American songs, tons of food and cake, vino and plenty of confetti.

Principessa Elizabeth:


Can you see all the confetti? It's a kids dream come true.

Liz chose to wear one of our princess costumes this go around. Emma opted out of going. I guess a bunch of under 10 year olds and adults throwing things at each other was not her idea of a fun way to spend a Saturday afternoon, go figure.

When the party is wrapping up they give out gifts according to the ticket you got when you came in.

Liz got a bead kit, she was a little excited about it.

Since Chris was going out of town, we did our Valentines day celebration a little early. And since I am repeatedly told that I don't have any pictures of myself on the you go, Chris and I on our way out to date night.

Stay tuned for Carnevale Part 2, the parades.....

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