Sunday, January 24, 2010

A day off

So first for a little bit of catch up. The past few weeks have been busy and fun. Emma has started with her latest orthodontic treatment. We're in the preliminary stages right now, but there will be some big changes over the next few months. We can't wait to see what her new smile will look like! Liz is trying to keep pace with her by having loose teeth left and right.
Chris the day off for MLK Jr. Day. The kids being in Italian school did not have the day off which equaled to a kid free day for Chris and I. We mainly went to the Market and just enjoyed being able to not rush around for a day.

Random pictures from our day off:

Sunrise next to our house.

The houses across from us are finally having work done on them, new neighbors soon?

This is a pretty little park up in Maniago.

Our piccolo Piazza:

The legend around here is that the last 3 days of January are the coldest of the year. There's a story about a little bird asking the month to make it warmer, but it won't. Febraury does, and helps the little bird stay alive. (Liz would have to tell the whole story, very cute). Sure 'nough this morning was frost covered and freezing. Fortunately we're getting some sun now and it should be uphill from here. Our bulbs are already coming up in our garden, and spring in Italy should be gorgeous.

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