Thursday, August 6, 2009

More catch up

R.I.P. Piglet. Sadly, it appears to be true. Lizzie's piglet, whom she has cuddled since her tiny, tiny tater days, has been missing for almost two weeks now. In our truly obnoxious persistent way we have tried anything and everything to find him. Liz is, understandably, devastated. She's never spent even a day without him. We still have a smidgen of hope that he will turn up, but that hope is fading fast as each day adds up.
We had a Brady Bunch episode moment a few days ago when Liz and her play date friends started screaming in the basement. I ran down to find the German washing machine spewing suds ALL OVER our basement. (I shoulda' taken a picture of THAT). I had just been bragging to Chris that I had the condenser dryer and German washer down pat......
More Space A travel info-
It's funny how sounds can define a place. At MAFB I always woke up to the sounds of revelry, or students with their cadence as they jogged. Here I wake up to chickens in the distance, church bells ringing, and the occasional dog bark. It is so quiet here that I catch myself being still for a moment just to listen to the silence. Most of the day all the windows are wide open (suits me fine!). This includes the french doors that are screened up stairs and down. It reminds me of really comfortable camping every day all day. The only down side of that is that it is just warm enough, with just enough of a cool breeze, to inspire a lay down on the comfy couch with a book. Not exactly what I need to be doing as I'm surrounded by mountains of boxes. Unfortunately the dogs (Sophie-plus two we are babysitting) and the cats agree, definitely spells trouble (and a lot of relaxing afternoons).
I'm posting almost every conceivable picture of our house possible. I'll apologize now if it's too much! There will be more when we've unpacked too.
Our neighbors brought us a gorgeous lemon cake today. It tastes as good as it smells and looks. They are really great people, funny and outgoing. They're coming over for dinner on Sunday, and I can't wait.
Ok-for someone who has not a lot going on but unpacking (the box dust must be scrambling my brain!) I am having a hard time figuring out what to write. So, we miss everyone there. More pic's and updates soon.

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